"I had been struggling with some emotional blocks, and I couldn't quite put my finger on what was the cause. I have learned about the subconscious mind and decided to book an emotional release session with Patricia. When I arrived at her space, she greeted me with a warm welcome, and her space was very cozy. Before my session, Patricia educated and informed me of what I could expect during my session. I felt safe and calm with Patricia. My session went amazing, and before I left, Patricia shared with me what I could expect over the coming days and that she was here for me. I left feeling lighter and more clear after my session. I highly recommend Patricia and her services."

~Manda K


Emotional Release with Essential Oils

The main objective in the releasing process is for the individual to clear their own emotional blockages from past experiences utilizing essential oils. Whether recalled emotions or experiences are pleasant or traumatic, the end result of an emotional release session is to bring strength and healing into your mental, emotional, and spiritual life as well as provide a basis for physical healing.

Resolved Emotions

An emotion has been resolved when we are in an emotional experience and we own, accept, face, and deal with that emotion as it occurs, never losing our awareness of it, seeking to learn the spiritual lessons that experience can teach us. When emotions are resolved our lives become more productive and our sense of peace and happiness increases.

To be freed of unresolved emotions, the receiver must:

Stored Emotions

Stored emotions are living, intelligent centers of energy that broadcast their influence in our lives as long as they remain buried within our being. Negative emotions become lodged in our memories when we are confronted with situations we feel to be too powerful for us to deal with at the time, and which we have misjudged reality and incorrectly perceived ourselves as helpless.

When an emotion has not been resolved, we fail to learn from the experience and our lives move in negative and unproductive ways, controlled by habits and repetitive emotional reactions to life's situations. When negative feelings remain stored in our DNA, we retain an environment that leads to innumerable physical mental, emotional, and spiritual problems and inappropriate behaviors based on those feelings.

Repressed emotional memories remain alive and active, influencing and directing our lives for good or for ill, until resolved. They never disappear on their own, and ignoring them only perpetuates them. The consequences of repressed emotions are virtually all negative. They restrict and warp our lives in innumerable ways, enslaving us with compulsions and negative habits, causing us to act socially in inappropriate ways, creating illnesses in our body, sabotaging our efforts to achieve success, and leading us into socially undesirable situations and relationships while destroying the good situations and relationships in our lives.

Unresolved emotions can misguide our judgment in financial matters and blind us to a realistic view of the world. Buried emotions can rob us of a sense of purpose in life and prevent us from gaining a sense of direction or focus in choosing a mate, a career, or a livelihood. They create a sense of instability in our lives and can block or limit our spiritual growth.

Essential Oils & Emotional Release

Essential oils carry coded information that can be translated by cellular DNA and which may be of therapeutic benefit to people - physical, mental, and emotional. Not only can oils help release cellular memories stored anywhere in the body, depending on the oils applied, they also directly stimulate the limbic system or emotional brain, which is in the center of our heads. Because inhaled oils directly affect the emotional seat in our brains where traumatic memories are often stored, and because oils can release cellular memories stored anywhere in the body, they can be of great value in helping us clear ourselves from the unconscious, hidden emotional patterns that can control our lives and hold us back from the full manifestation of our potential.

In using oils to facilitate an emotional release, it is not always necessary for you to consciously recall and relive the experience that first established a given emotional pattern in order to release it, although conscious recall and reliving of the experience may happen. Sometimes pleasant memories and experiences stored in the DNA are awakened, recalled, and relived during the session which is a positive and reinforcing experience for you and may be just what you need at that time. 

What To Expect

The appointment lasts around 2 hours, which includes some prep and debrief conversation. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes. During the Emotional Release session, I may apply essential oils to your head, shoulders, knees, ankles, and feet. 

After the session, it is recommended that you go home and write down feelings and recollections of what you experienced during the session. You might have detox symptoms (usually tired) that night or next day so it's a good idea to drink lots of water before and after the session. The recommended amount is to divide your weight in pounds by two and drink that number of ounces of purified water every day.  

Schedule Appointment

Let me know if you would like to experience this technique.  I look forward to hearing from you!

Please see my Contact Me page for scheduling and location information. 

Emotional Release Session 

$135 ~ 60-90 minutes (with essential oils)