Informed Consent

I provide a paper copy of my informed consent form at your session appointment. Informed consent is a process of communication between us regarding permission for services. Every client has the right to information and to ask questions. 

The content of the paper copy of my form is provided below so that you can review in advance of your session, if you desire.

I understand that Patricia Iannone is a Licensed Spiritual Healer (LSH) qualified to help me accept Divine healing on every level of my being according to my faith and beliefs and authorized to perform Spiritual Health and Wellness Coaching.

I understand that Patricia Iannone is a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner and that these methods seek to identify and eliminate underlying imbalances by releasing energetic imbalances in the areas of energy, circuitry, pathogens, structure,  toxicity, and nutrition. These methods of energy healing promote harmony and balance within, relieving stress and supporting the bodyʼs natural ability to heal. 

I understand that Patricia Iannone is a Board Certified Raindrop Specialist (BCRS) and a Completely Certified CARE Instructor (CCCI) and is qualified to help me make more informed decisions about my own health and wellness and to trust my own intuitive insights. 

I understand that Patricia Iannone is a Certified Aromatherapy Coach (CAC) and is trained to coach, demonstrate, educate, empower, explain, facilitate, instruct, mentor, quiz for knowledge, supervise, teach, test for knowledge, train, or tutor clients on learning to take responsibility for their own health and wellness. 

I understand that Patricia Iannone is a Usui/Holy Fire ® III Reiki Ryoho Master Teacher practitioner and does not diagnose conditions nor prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.

I understand that my health, healing, and wellbeing are my responsibility. 

I understand that my identity and any information about me, whether I share it with Pat, or she discovers it on her own, will be held in the strictest confidence, except when released by me or specifically required by law. I have the right to waive this confidentiality agreement in whole or part at any time.

I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Policies and Procedures published by Patricia Iannone and fully explained to me. 

I hereby request and consent to the technique of energy, spiritual, or distance healing modalities within the scope of Patricia Iannone’s healing techniques.

I consent to receiving emails from Patricia Iannone.  

Email address:___________________________________________________

Client Printed Name:___________________________________________

Full Address: ____________________________________________________

Client or Guardian Signature:__________________________________


Usui/Holy Fire® is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand.